Below is a full list of all the games available to play at ReRoll.
It can be a bit overwhelming with all these choices, but we are happy to make suggestions that we think you’ll like.
Between us, we know most of the games on the shelves. We can help by setting you up and teaching you a new game.
Access to our games library or war gaming table is £2.00 (concessions £1.00) per person per hour, with your 4th Hour free! An all day pass is £9.50 per person.
If you wish to bring your own games then the concession rate will apply. Please inform a member of staff so there is no confusion.
While no events are on if you want to play some TCGs on our event tables there will be no hourly charge. Please note these spaces will need to be vacated by the start time of the events.
If you dont want to play any games you are more than welcome to come and just relax, eat and drink. Please note that at busier times we may ask for the table back to prioritise people wanting to play games from the library.